Today’s kids are growing up in an environment rich with technology. And let’s face it: information is more available at their fingertips like never before. Fortunately, this growing access to information has begun to change education as we know it. Education today has greatly expanded with new technology, and desperately trying to connect and keep up with kids. A look below shows how kids today are starting to adapt to these new advances.

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Alternatives to Traditional Schooling

Online education has become popular in recent years. Especially among students who a traditional classroom setting might not be a good match for. Full or partial university degrees can be earned completely online. Now, it’s even possible to choose online schooling for grades k-12.
In fact, many U.S. states allow elementary and secondary school programs to be completed online. Accredited schools provide quality education digitally, allowing students to work at their own pace. Some schools use online learning models that use a mix of physical and virtual education. For example, public high school students in Virginia must take one online course as a graduation requirement. This is according to the Washington Post as of 2012.

Blending Learning and Play

The online generation doesn’t feel as though learning and playing games has to be a choice. Even the youngest children learn through play with technology. Leapfrog games are effective ways of teaching pre-reading or early math skills.
The fun doesn’t stop as students grow up either. Popular smartphone apps can even aid students in their studies. Duolingo uses video game elements like earning points to level up one’s avatar. This way, users experience an extra level of reward as they learn new languages. Today, it’s not unusual for teachers to assign problems on websites like FunBrain.

A La Carte Online Education

The online generation doesn’t hesitate to search for any topic that may interest them. A variety of free or subscription-based sites provide reading material, lectures, and even full courses on a range of subjects. Websites like Coursera or Khan Academy allow users to gain deep knowledge on single subjects that interest them. YouTube is another great way to explore a variety of lectures and other educational content.
The online generation recognizes that technology is a gateway to something more. By embracing the digital frontier, students can explore learning experiences beyond the classroom.


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